New Beginnings Grants available to churches!
We are delighted to be able to provide a grant for new playgroups to start or restart or expand your current playgroup ministry by adding another playgroup in 2023.
The Christian Playgroup Network is committed to equipping, encouraging, and enabling healthy playgroups in local churches. This year, we seek to come alongside and nurture churches as they use Playgroups to connect with their local community. We are offering financial support to those who need it.
These grants are designed to encourage your church to take the next step in offering love and grace, nurturing or sharing faith and experiencing fullness of life through starting or re starting a playgroup ministry.
Therefore, we are opening the New Beginnings Grant for any church who would like to start a playgroup ministry or expand their existing playgroup ministry by adding another group.
Important information
Who can apply?
Any church or Christian community that would like to start or restart a playgroup ministry or expand their Playgroup ministry by adding another group in 2023.
How much funding can I apply for?
There are 10 grants of $265 available. These grants include one year’s membership to the Christian Playgroup Network valued at $65, and $200 to be used for resources or equipment. Check out what you get for your CPN membership here
When is the grant available?
The CPN is accepting Grant applications between March-April 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by email in late May 2023.
What sort of playgroups can access the New Beginnings Grant? CPN’s vision is to support playgroups to nurture love and grace, share faith, and experience fullness of life. If your church is hoping to reach the community through a new playgroup ministry, you are eligible for this grant. You can also use it to re start a playgroup ministry that closed during COVID or add to your playgroup ministry with a group on another day or that is suited to a specific demographic. E.g. Babies playgroup, Weekend playgroup, Bush playgroup, Single parents/ Grandparents playgroup, Bilingual/Multilingual playgroup
What can I use my New Beginnings Grant for? The Grant is flexible for churches to decide how best to support a new playgroup ministry. Some ideas the CPN Committee suggests include resources or equipment for a new playgroup, advertising or promotional materials for your playgroup, training or resourcing of playgroup leaders.
Part of the New Beginnings Grant is to provide to the CPN a review of the completed project indicating how it has met the objectives or expected outcomes. This helps us as a CPN Committee to review our Grants program for future years.
Our church has already started a new playgroup this year, are we eligible? Yes! The grant is available for all new Christian playgroups in 2023.
How do I apply?
Simply complete our online form to apply for the New Beginnings Grant. The online form link below is a very simple process, it should take you less than 15 minutes to apply.
Need more information? Please contact
To be considered for a grant please complete the application form here
Note: Applications close on Friday 28th April 2023.
CPN New Beginnings Grant open March 2023
Application completed by Churches By 28 April 2023
CPN Committee Evaluation Process May 2023
Applicants Advised end of May 2023
Church provides receipts of purchases & bank details By 31 May 2024
Notify CPN of how you spent the Grant funds By 31 June 2024