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You also would have noticed that we've done something to the website - we're very excited to launch it, but wonder if you find something not quite right with it, please let us know.
Latest News
The 2023-24 Annual Report is here!
As we head into the end of the year, grab a cuppa and have a read of what the last 12 months has looked like for the CPN community. 2024 CPN Annual Report
Starting a playgroup – Video
A playgroup is a group of parents/caregivers and their children who meet regularly for play and social interaction. Let’s help get you started with this 27 minute introductory video on how to start a playgroup or revisit what you are currently doing at your playgroup....
Playgroup Leader catch ups to connect with others – online and in person
Are you a playgroup facilitator or volunteer looking to connect, share ideas, and find support? Being a playgroup facilitator is incredibly rewarding, but it can also feel a bit isolating. That's why the Christian Playgroup Network facilitates monthly online catch-ups...
Member churches
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