Over 35 churches joined us from their own homes which was fantastic! The session was full of heart warming connection and encouragement, like a warm hug for the soul. Here are some links and summaries of the Winter Nurture event for you to use in your context.
Here is the link to the worship song that we appreciated together at the start of the session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAFEx-HmQ6Y
Download a copy of the Psalm 40 liturgy that we did together using a small rock here:
We spent some time creating some cards or a prayer envelope using the sheets provided as well as any craft items we had at home. These were used to send to people around us who need encouragement at this time, or to put into our Bible to remind us that God cares for you.
Check out Alyson’s prayer as we reflected on 1 Peter 5 .
Be encouraged!