Sign up

Sign up and pay by Bank Transfer or Cheque

Fill the form below and your membership will be processed. Please note that your membership is not valid until payment has been received. On receipt of payment, you will be provided via email receipt and a Christian Playgroup Network welcome pack will be posted to you.

Thank you for your partnership and your support of the Christian Playgroup Network through your membership.

    Alternate Contact Information (for use if playgroup leader is not contactable - required): Playgroup Locator information This information will be used to create a public entry on the playgroup locater MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun

    If you are paying by direct deposit:
    BSB: 633 000
    Account: 167968452
    Name: Christian Playgroup Network
    Reference: Church name or Playgroup leaders name
    Please email a remittance to:

    If you are paying by cheque:
    Please write your church name and playgroup leaders name on the back of the cheque and forward your cheque to:
    Christian Playgroup Network PO Box 1372 Blackburn North VIC 3130

    Please note that your membership is not valid until payment has been received. On receipt of payment, you will be provided via email receipt and a Christian Playgroup Network welcome pack will be posted to you.