Why children go
Playgroup aged children are going through a stage of rapid development.
Babies are offered play experiences to stimulate their senses. Toddlers practice using their emerging skills – hands, problem solving, language. Preschool children practice social skills – an important preparation for Kindergarten and school.
At playgroup children can
- make new friends
- have new experiences
- develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually
- develop social skills through group singing, free play, snack time and mat time
- learn about God’s love and care for them through word and action
How parents benefit
Playgroup can be a lifeline to parents with babies, toddlers and preschoolers who may not have any other social network in their local community.
These are some of the things parents say they get from playgroup
- friendship
- the leaders are so nice , so friendly and caring
- there is a good supply of toys and play equipment – plenty of variety
- it is a safe place for my child to practice her new found skills
- it’s giving my child some stimulating experiences in a relaxed informal setting
- I want to meet people who have children the same age
- It’s affordable
- I’d like my child to get to know some of the kids he’s likely to go to Kinder with