Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Question
Why offer a church run Playgroup in your local community?
Through Playgroup, many families find friendship and nurture, connect with your church, and feel that they belong.
Start something wonderful today! Follow our ’10 steps to Starting a Christian Playgroup’ on the ‘For Churches’ page and enjoy connecting with your local community.
Playgroup not only meets a need in local communities for young families, but also gives a space for Christians to share their faith in word and actions as well as give support to families with young children. Many churches recognise playgroup as the church program that brings in the most unchurched people.
What happens at a playgroup session?
Playgroup is a group experience where preschool aged children and their carers meet together for mutual enrichment to play, to learn, to make friends and to have fun together. Every playgroup is different because it reflects the individuality of its group members. There are many ways to organise your playgroup session.
Most playgroups include during each session plenty of time for free play for children to enjoy a range of activities, plenty of time for connection & conversations with carers, a group morning tea time for the kids (kids often bring their own snacks), morning tea is available for carers, and to finish the session a short mat time that may include a favourite song or story, as well as a Goodbye song.
How much does Playgroup cost ?
Each playgroup operates independently with a group of dedicated volunteers bringing fun and care for your family. Most sessions are around the cost of ONE Happy Meal for a family. Some playgroups charge per week, others charge per Term.
The cost of running a playgroup varies from Playgroup to Playgroup but may include costs such as equipment, consumables ( ie paints, crafts, morning tea supplies, etc), memberships with state Playgroup Associations & the CPN, in some cases rent and in some cases wages for a Leader or Facilitator.
How long are Playgroup sessions?
Most sessions run for 11/2 to 2 hours each week of the school Term. They are usually run in the morning as that often the best time for young families.
Why should I join the Christian Playgroup Network ?
Joining the CPN provides you with opportunities to link with other Christian Playgroup leaders from a variety of churches across Victoria and Australia either in person and/or online; access to the CPN Facebook group for asking questions, sharing stories and ideas; reduced rates or FREE CPN training events; access to resources, templates and information through the Members Only section of the website; regular e-newsletters featuring play ideas, members sharing their stories, helpful articles and resources relevant to missional playgroup; access to our annual Grant funds for your playgroup and MORE .
Your playgroup is your group – we provide resources, encouragement and support along the journey.
I can see on the Playgroup Locator that there is a CPN member Playgroup near me. Can I make contact with the leader to visit the group or to catch up?
Sure ! The leaders contact details are listed under the church’s entry on the Playgroup Locator. Most of our members find meeting up with other Christian Playgroup leaders one of the most helpful things to do for mutual encouragement and support.
Does my church playgroup need to take out Insurance cover with my states Playgroup Association?
Most church playgroups are held within the church property, and as such are covered adequately by their church’s insurance cover. Not sure ? Ask your church leadership if your church insurance covers your playgroup, particularly if you meet offsite.
If your church is not able to provide adequate insurance for your Playgroup most state Playgroup Associations are able to provide this for a fee.
Remember for insurance purposes, it is important to keep an inventory of all equipment such as tables, chairs and play equipment, It is also important to keep a record of accidents or incidents.
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