Are you a playgroup facilitator or volunteer looking to connect, share ideas, and find support? Being a playgroup facilitator is incredibly rewarding, but it can also feel a bit isolating. That’s why the Christian Playgroup Network hosts monthly online catch-ups...
You may be thinking of starting a Playgroup at your church or wanting to revisit or reboot your purpose of running a Playgroup. These 10 steps will keep you focused on the end goal. Check out the 10 steps here
Grab a cuppa and have a read through what the last 12 months has looked like for the CPN Community. CPN Annual Report 2023
Ensuring your details are up to date allows us to regularly communicate with you, a valued CPN member, about resources, events and information relating to the CPN and running your playgroup. Do you have a new Playgroup leader? Is your playgroup session on a different...
There’s something universally connecting about tea. From spicy chai in India, green tea and matcha in China and Japan, sweet rooibos of South Africa or strong black British brews, when you put on the kettle and take out the cups, it is a cross cultural signal that a...