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Helpful resources to get you started

These resources will help you get started in thinking about being intentional about your Playgroup ministry. More resources are available to CPN members.

Playgroup – No Use-by Date

what makes playgroup distinctive as mission, a ministry of service to families and a community that bears witness to the kingdom values of Jesus…..

Welcoming families

bringing families together at the start of a new year. Some tips and ideas to make your group a great space to be.

What does a Christian Playgroup Look Like

Download this helpful resource sheet to help you and your Playgroup team explore how you can be intentional in being a Christian Playgroup.

Ten Steps to starting a playgroup

You may be thinking of starting a Playgroup at your church or wanting to revisit your purpose of running a Playgroup. These 10 steps will keep you focused on the end goal.

Playgroups can be missional

The principles listed in this resource sheet are being successfully used in many church playgroups to bring people into a relationship with Jesus. As a Christian playgroup, you may choose to prayerfully implement them.

Benefits of being a member

The Christian Playgroup Network aims to encourage, equip and support Christian Playgroup leaders and helpers (the ‘team’) to be more effective and better supported in this vital ministry.
We do this in a number of ways

  • Playgroup specific training
  • Resources and guidelines to help you operate a quality and intentional Playgroup
  • Regular e-newsletters featuring Playgroup activities, testimonies, helpful hints and articles relevant to your Playgroup ministry
  • Opportunities to link with other Christian Playgroups
  • Access to the members only section of the website
  • Making a contribution to sharing the vision of Christian Playgroups

How to become a member

Apply to become a member through our online membership application.

Membership costs $65 per year. Fill out your details through the ‘online membership application’ to register your application for CPN membership.
You will be notified by email when your application is approved.

Payment options include Paypal (our preferred method), Stripe, EFT, Cheque  or contact membership@cpn.org.au.